I have completed a documentary film of the solo exhibition “As you see it” held at Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix Gallery in London from March to May this year. i designed the editing to reproduce the appreciative experience of a new installation artwork “Endless Gallery” and “Door” exhibited at the basement floor. Please take a look at it once. Thank you.
今年3月〜5月までロンドンのヤマモト・ケイコ・ロシェックスギャラリーで開催した個展「As you see it」の記録動画が完成しました。地下の新作インスタレーションの「Endless Gallery」と「Door」の鑑賞体験を再現できるよう編集を工夫しましたので、ぜひ一度ご高覧ください。よろしくお願いします。
Documentary Film Ryohei Kan’s Solo Exhibition ‘As you see it’
Director / Editing: Ryohei Kan
Video photographing: Ryohei Kan, Tamao Narukawa