2017. 9. 29

Exhibition Review in the October, 2017 issue of the “Geijutsu Shincho”

2017. 8. 5

Talk Event with Futoshi Hoshino on 19th Aug.

2017. 7. 27

Interview on BT(Bijutsu Techo)

2017. 7. 19

In the Walls (Solo Exhibition), at Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo

2017. 7. 18

Renewal of the Website

2017. 7. 15

Jahresausstellung 2017

2017. 7. 10

The Pandora’s box: Finding the Wondrous in the Geidai Collection

2017. 1. 16

Shiseido Art Egg vol.11

2016. 9. 9

Doctural Dissertation “The Art Theory of Void”

2016. 7. 18

Grand Prix, The 1st Makurazaki International Art Award