Connect > Statement



  How long have you not used the public telephone?
  Although there were 935,000 as a peak number of public telephones at the end of 1984 in Japan, they have been decreasing every year since the end of 1992 when there were 831,124 ones. In 2001, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) showed a deficit of 33,400,000,000 yen, so they needed to find out an absolute solution to this problem. Then they announced a bold plan to remove 78,000 public telephones which was 11% of the whole from all over Japan during the year of 2002. It’s no doubt that the low utilization of public telephones by the rapid spread of mobile phone was major factor. Has the need of public telephone already been lost? Will it fallow a fate disappear in the future?
  The public telephone is one kind of the media as the communication tool, but today the circuits are being badly rusted. I considered using of photographs with record characteristics in this work, and I have tried to connect those rusted circuits by collecting and displaying them. During a half year when I took photographs them around Tokyo and its environs, many public telephones have finished quietly their roles and duty.


