Fictional Scenery > Statement / Process




Fictional Scenery

  Fictional Scenery is a series of painting works composed of miniature models, in which I attempt to visualise the theme “not a world of reality but a fictional world”. First of all, I start by building a 1:12 scale model of a room; following this, a photograph is taken, and I create a painting based on the print of this image. All the models are beings of a fictional world that is not real. Our bodies cannot exist in this fictional world, since it is an imaginary world. A fictional world is a simulated world which the eye cannot see, and the hand cannot touch. To visualise this fictional world without involving my body, I observed it through the eye of a camera, and used an inkjet printer to paint this world without the use of my hand. By involving multiple types of media, from modelling to inkjet printing, I have fixed images of this fictional world on canvas, just as if this world was nothing but the reality itself.
  What, then, is “not a fictional world but a real world”?
  We perceive this world inside our brain through the fragments of reality sent by our nervous system and sense organs, such as our eyes, ears, and skin. The scene of the real world we perceive is at all times nothing but a virtual image projected by our brain on the screen named consciousness. It can never be said that this virtual image is absolutely equal to the reality existing in the world outside of our brain. Not only are we unable to see or touch the fictional world, but reality itself cannot be perceived with these senses. As long as human life is locked in the cage named body, even the real world we perceive seems to be rather fictional. We spend all of life inside this cage, and only when approaching death do we finally become a part of the real world as pure organic matter. I visualised Fictional Scenery as nothing else but the other side of the scenery we call “reality”.
  The fictional world where we do not exist is the world where our physical bodies themselves do not exist. In other words, it can be called a simulation of the world after death (or before birth). This work is a reconstruction of what reality (life) is for us, and at the same time, a visualisation of the world where even our bodies as observers do not exist (death). The rooms constructed with models in this work have a function of a marginal place which ties together our “life” and unknowable “death”. The rooms also indicate the limitless ambiguity of the border between reality and fiction.
  Can it be said with utmost certainty that the reality we see in front of our eyes does in fact exist? For that matter, can we be sure that we ourselves actually exist while looking upon the said reality? Somewhere in between two worlds – the inner world and the outer world – there I am just imagining. Imagining about this world which is not a fictional image, and about our definite existence.
(2013. Aug.)

English translation by Elena Tutatchikova
English proofreading by David Clark, Shaun O’Brien and Yuma Tomiyasu



  Fictional Sceneryは、ミニチュアの模型を題材とした絵画作品であり、「現実の世界ではない虚構の世界」を可視化しようとする試みである。私は、最初に1/12のスケールの部屋の模型を作り、それを写真に撮って、その写真を印刷することで絵画を制作する。模型は、虚構の世界であって現実の世界ではない。そして虚構の世界は、それが架空のものであるがゆえに、そのなかに自分の身体は存在しない。虚構の世界は、自分の目で見ることも手で触れることも叶わないシミュレーションの世界なのだ。だから私は、身体を介在させることなく虚構の世界を可視化するために、カメラの眼を通してその世界を見て、手を使わないでその世界を描くためにインクジェットプリンターを用いた。そして、模型の製作から印刷に至るまでの、複数のメディアを包括的に捉えた制作プロセスによって、まるで現実そのものであるかのような虚構のイメージをキャンバスに定着させた。
  私たちは、目や耳や皮膚などの感覚器官と神経回路を通じて伝達された現実の断片から、脳の中でこの世界を知覚する。私たちが見る現実の風景というものは常に、自分の脳が意識というスクリーンに投影した虚像でしかない。そしてそれは、自分の外側の世界に広がっている現実そのものと同義であるとは決して言えない。私たちは、虚構の世界ばかりか現実そのものでさえ見たり触れたりすることはできないでいる。私たちの生が身体という檻の中に閉じ込められたものである以上、私たちが知覚する現実の世界さえもやはり虚構なのだ。私たちはこの身体という檻の中でその一生を過ごし、死を迎える時にはじめて、純粋な有機物としてこの世界の一部へと還ることができる。私が視覚化した「虚構の風景(Fictional Scenery)」というのは、私たちが「現実」と呼んでいる風景の裏返しに他ならないのだ。




Model for Fictional Scenery – 15




Making of Fictional Scenery – 10




Printing of Fictional Scenery – 14